Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Getting (another) early start

Those who know me best know how to process the pledge. When I say I won't start a new book for eight to twelve weeks, they know they can cut that time in half, add maybe a week or two, and wait for me to break my promise. Like a lot of writers, no doubt, I always do.

And so it goes again. With most of my research and preparation in the rear-view mirror, I have started writing my next novel and next series. Set in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., in the final three months of the American Civil War, it will document the triumphs and tribulations of a contemporary time-traveling family.

In this case, the Lanes of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and not the Carsons of Flagstaff, Arizona, will take the stage. It's my hope that this family of six will prove to be as compelling as the family of seven I retired this fall. As with the Carson Chronicles series, I will look for new ways to develop familiar themes and explore American history.

I hope to finish the rough draft of the still-unnamed novel by January, when I travel to D.C. and visit at least a few of the settings. I intend to publish the finished work no later than the end of April.

In the meantime, I will devote some time to other priorities. I hope that all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!